' தொட்டனைத்து தூறும் மணற்கேணி மாந்தர்க்கு கற்றனைத்து தூறும் அறிவு. '

SAVERS stands for the following:


SAVERS stands for the following:


 1)Silence Do daily 10 minutes meditation.

2)Affirmations pick an area of improvement that I am personally focusing on and very specific when you repeating your affirmation. For example, “I have a great memory. My strong memory makes my job much easier. I am able to remember even the smallest details about my candidates and clients.” 5 minutes

3)Visualisation Each morning pick one of my Goals and I visualise yourself living in your life as if the Goal has already been achieved. close eyes and can imagine, picture and feel myself living my life with that goal accomplished. pick a different goal each day. 5 minutes

4)Exercise My normal morning exercise routine is running down to play ground,push ups and then running back home.30 minutes

5)Reading reading books,10minutes ‘Secrets to get motivate every moring

6)Scribe have a blank journal and each day I focus on 3 things:

 Ideal Day & Daily Implementation. Gratitude write 3 things that grateful for that day Ideal Day write 3 things that would make today the ideal day

Daily Implementation
I write down 1 act that committed to doing today.

5 minutes
This routine now has me looking forward to mornings. no longer you waking up and rushing around trying to get to work. waking up, completing SAVERS and feeling focused, accomplished and motivated all before 7am. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

கருத்துகள் இல்லை

ஈழத்து சிறுவர் நாடக தந்தை குழந்தை ம.சண்முகலிங்கம் காலமானார்

                                         மண்ணில்:15.11.1931                       விண்ணில்:17.01.2025 ஈழத்து த...